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My Personal Art Gallery:

I am barebonesgirl...

Multi-media Artist: Watercolor  Pen&Ink Colored-Pencil Acrylic Tattoo designs


I am Sherri, I am @barebonesgirl on Twitter, Instagram and Pintrest.


I am an immensely curious, energetic albeit private entity within this plane of reality and defined within my humanness as an artist, geologist, creative person with kindness and compassion for all things. In 2012-2015 ongoing auto-immune issues and illness led me back to my love of creativity, I arrived back where I started a very long time ago...drawing. Drawing was my first therapy as a child, it was there when I needed to heal my body-mind it all now it is passion for this life that keeps me drawing each and every day. I have placed at least one skull within each of my drawings - mostly these are hidden and now I tell people to "find the skull". It is my way of connecting humanity with the universe and my personal art. 


Skulls, eyes, animals and influences from nature are consistent within my work but I find intrinsic beauty within the grotesque, I love texture and the decay itself. I look for the details and admire macro photos and microscopic things to the cellular and atomic level. I observe with a scientists eye and understanding objects as well as living things. Rocks have maintained my interest all my life I am always curious about their formation, their texture and their chemistry - my life as a geologist has allowed me the freedom to wander, to mosey to ponder and to touch the earth in many different places. Come wander with me through art.


I am free to be me and gratitude to the universe each and every day for being able to live my life in a free, spiritual, creative way. I have gratitude for being able to live this creative life, exploring the planet and all our connectedness to her. 


Thank you for visiting my site.

Peace, Love, Light.





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